I hate normal shaving cream that comes out looking like it’s as soft as whipped cream. It always dries out my skin and I still even up with razor burn. My sister swears by shaving with coconut oil. I tried it out but it was just so hard out of the container. Something happens to the structure of the coconut oil when you whip it up with a mixer that makes it perfect for shaving. I did run into the problem with my razor getting all gunked up with the oil, but I found out dish soap helps dissolves the oil on the razor. You are going to LOVE this Vanilla Coconut Shaving Cream.
- 1 cup coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a large mixing bowl or the mixing bowl of your stand mixer, whip the coconut oil on high for 5 minutes. Add the vanilla to the coconut and whip until well combined. Place the mixture into a airtight container. At the end of your shower apply your coconut cream on your body and shave as per normal. You can wipe your razor on a damp wash cloth or rinse in a small bowl of hot water with a teaspoon of dish soap in it.