Top 15 Home Remedies Using Tea

Tea is perhaps one of the best known beverages known in Indian households. Sip it hot or relish a tumbler of ice-cold tea, drinking tea is always refreshing. But did you know that tea can be used for treating a variety of problems at home? Keep reading to know the top fifteen home remedies that involve the use of tea.

Top 15 Home Remedies Using Tea

Sunburn relief: Did you know that wet tea bags are effective in soothing sunburns? For a complete body sunburn treatment, the best idea would be to prepare a tea bath and soak in its goodness.

Tired eyes: Tired eyes look puffy and dull. So, why don’t you soothe them with some wet tea bags? Indeed, tea bags are very efficient in relieving tired eyes, almost as competent as cucumber slices and slices of potato! Your eyes would instantly brighten up.

Drain boils and blisters: If you are suffering from a painful boil, all you must do is to cover the boil with a tea bag and leave it on overnight. The boil will be drained painlessly. In fact, it is also said that a similar treatment using hot tea bags would help in drawing out infections from canker sores and blisters.

Toothache: Suffering from pain in gums and tooth ache? Prepare peppermint tea and add a pinch of salt. Use this antiseptic natural mouthwash for soothing the ache.

Weight Loss: Green tea is widely used globally as an antidote to lose weight. The “catechins” present in the green tea produces thermogenesis, which is the panacea for losing weight.  It is advisable to sip at least 3 cups of green tea for this purpose. 

Bleeding gums: If your child has lost a tooth and is experiencing bleeding gums, put a wet tea bag (cold) in the mouth, on the area where he or she has lost the tooth. This treatment would help in reducing the bleeding and soothing pain.

Foot Odor: Well, if foot odour seems to be a perennial reason for embarrassment, make sure that you soak your feet in a tub of strongly brewed tea, everyday for about twenty minutes. This practice will surely relax your feet and help you get rid of that unwanted stick!

Bad breath: Gargling several times a day with strong tea can be useful in preventing bad breath.

Menstrual Cramps: Chamomile tea increases glycine levels, an amino acid that calms muscle spasms, thereby reducing the pain caused by stomach and back aches as well as helping to reduce and even relieve menstrual cramps in women. 

Cold and Flu:  Ginger can stimulate your circulation, which will help your body get rid of a cold faster. It’s also been shown to reduce nausea. To make the tea, mix 2/3 cup of boiling water with 2 teaspoons of grated ginger and 1 teaspoons of honey.

Stuffy Nose: If you have stuffy nose then a cup of warm tea can ease the pain and discomfort. Hot tea, particularly sage tea, may reduce the blockage in your nose.

Sore throat: Teas can help ease sore throats. Hot tea like ginger tea can give a lot of relief from an achy and sore throat. Toss some ginger flakes in your regular tea and allow the tea to brew in the ginger for 5 minutes. The ginger tea will help to soothe the throat and give relief from an achy and sore throat. 

Headaches: Herbal tea is helpful in reducing headaches and migraines. A warm cup of herbal tea made with peppermint, vervain or lemon balm will relieve a headache.

Gas and bloating: Ginger tea is also a natural remedy for heart burn, as well as helps relieve stomach gas and bloating.

Banish indigestion: Mint tea is a super way to ease stubborn indigestion and gas and to quell nausea and vomiting. Peppermint contains the digestive aid menthol. Use 1 tablespoon of mint leaves (or more, according to taste) per cup of boiling water. 

Tea is so much more than just a beverage! Whether you want a natural mouthwash, or you want a natural mosquito repellent, the range of use of tea leaves is wide; so, use them easily in a variety of home remedies to reap the best benefits.

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